The impact created by Noble Exchange with this business model on the environment is both demonstrable and measurable. It is estimated that the Pune project at 350 TPD will create following the environmental impact:
- Emission avoided from landfill disposal - 74860 ton CO2 emission / year
- Emission avoided from CNG replacement - 13675 ton CO2 emission / year
{Source: 2006, IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories – emission factors for various fuels IPCC table 2.4
Source: UK Government GHG Conversion Factors for Company Reporting (DEFRA 2018)}
'Greenest’ fuel CBG resulting in a significant carbon footprint reduction. CBG is certified as a 100% carbon-neutral gas by United Nations Federation for Climate Control (UNFCC). When derived from segregated organic waste, via Anaerobic Digestion, CBG is considered carbon net-negative.
Source: CARB: Low Carbon Fuel Standard Report, 2009. (http://www.arb.ca.gov/fuels/lcfs/lcfs.htm)
Better performance and less maintenance: CBG has an octane number of 130 that is higher than petroleum fuels’ octane number of 93, indicating higher thermal efficiency and lower emissions. CBG requires less air for combustion hence allowing less humidity, nitrogen and carbon dioxide in the combustion process. This also means higher combustion efficiency and lower emissions. Higher Methane percentage and high purity results in a higher methane number of 96% (± 2%) which results in the elimination of knocking in internal combustion engines. Also ensures higher compressibility factor and therefore results in higher torque in the engine.
Macro Benefits
Increased energy security for India
Lower emissions for better environment
Better economics for customers
Cleaner environment for citizens

- Scientific treatment of organic waste and energy recovery
- Climatic twin-effect: Reduces CO2 emission by replacing fossil fuel and capturing uncontrolled methane and other greenhouse gas emissions
- Total of 105000 tons of CO2 emission reduction per year. This is equivalent to eliminating pollution from 50,000 passenger cars every day (As per statistics of year 2011, passenger car emits around 104 g of CO2 per kilometer.)
- Production of renewable energy
- Transformation of organic waste into high quality fertilizer

- Improvement of social health and sanitation standards
- Generation of organized employment in a relatively unorganized sector
- Ensures Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)
- Surplus 1.8 lac liters of recycled clean water is generated every day after waste processing that can be used for farming & agricultural purposes.
- nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) - NPK rich; 25 tons of organic manure is generated every day,that can directly be used for agriculture purposes and replace conventional chemical fertilizers. This over the period of time improves the quality & quantity of the yield produced.
- Production of renewable energy
- Transformation of organic waste into high quality fertilizer

- A scientifically treated 350 TPD MSW facility will require 5 acres of land fixed for 20 years compared to untreated dumping landfill site that requires over 8.75 acres land (assuming 10 mtr heap of garbage) per year (175 acres landfill over 20 years) for the same 350 TPD waste, thus freeing up of land for other constructive use
- The solution proposed by NobleExchange will transform waste liabilities into new profit centres as this ensures elimination of cost for pick-up, transportation and land fill site expenses for Municipal Corporation
- It reduces dependence on energy imports as Compressed Biogas can be used to replace or substitute a wide range of fossil fuels including LPG, Natural Gas, Diesel, Boiler fuels amongst others
- Ensure effective governance Benefits of Sustainable Triple-Impact